Shri Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House, Kolhapur


Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj

 Chhatrapati  Shahu  Maharaj   ( 1870 – 1920 ) was  the king of the princely State Of  Kolhapur . He was a man  of great vision and far ahead of his own times . He made primary education compulsory  for  the people in his state . It was Chhatrapati  Shahu  Maharaj   who had  introduced reservation policy for the  people  who were  backward and downthrown . He wanted to spread education  for all the classes  irrespective of religions or casts . He knew it well that education was most essential  for the development  of  the  people   and also  to  create  democratic   and  civilsed  society  .  Kolhapur  is called   as  the  mother  of  boardings  in  the  India .  Chhatrapati  Shahu  Maharaj   established  more  that  23  boardings  for  the  students  of  different  casts  and  religion  in  his  state  and  also  made  it  sure  that  these  boarding  run  smoothly  by  giving  each  boarding  a  source  of  annual  income  of  its  own .  Traditions  and  practices  in  the  society  were  not  conductive  for  the  students  from  casts  and  religions  to  learn  together .

Chhatrapati  Shahu  Maharaj established  Shri  Prince  Shivaji   Maratha  Boarding  House , Kolhapur  in  the  year  1920  in  the  memory  of  his  beloved  son  Hon .  Prince  Shivaji  .  Since  its  establishment   the  students  from  different  casts   and  religion  were  admitted  in  the  boarding . Both  girls  and  boys  students  were  admitted .  Latter on  from  1960  onwards  Shri  Prince  Shivaji   Maratha  Boarding  House , Kolhapur  started  different   schools  and  colleges  into  spread  education  for   the  masses .
Shri  Prince  Shivaji  Maratha  Boarding  House , Kolhapur   is  recognized   as  the  meritorious  and  ideal  institution  in  Maharashtra  .  The  institution  has  received  ideal  institution  award  from  the   Government  Of  Maharashtra  in  2003.
The New College  as   established  in  the  year  1971  in  the  city  of  Kolhapur  with  only  160  students . Today  we  have  3927 students .
We  are  very  proud  as  the  institutions  as  our  students  have  played  rolls  in  the  making  and  building  of  our  country  .  We  have  produced  thousand  of  doctors , Engineers  , IPS and  IAS  Officers  administrates ,Writers , Teachers , Industrialists  and  artists  of  great  reputation .

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