Ms. Asmita A Desai

Assistent Lecturer,
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,

New Institute Of Technology, Kolhapur.

Ph.D. (E&TC), M.E (E&TC), BE (E&TC)
Experience: 11 Years 6 Months
Specialisation: Cognitive Radio(Communication)
Mobile No- 7767088947

About Ms Asmita A. Desai

Ms. Asmita A. Desai is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at New Institute of Technology, Kolhapur. She holds a Ph.D. in Electronics and Telecommunication (E&TC), along with a Master’s degree (M.E.) and Bachelor’s degree (B.E.) in the same field. With over 10 years and 6 months of experience in teaching and research, she has gained significant expertise in her field.
Her specialization lies in Cognitive Radio, particularly in the area of Communication, where she has contributed to advancements in wireless communication technologies. She is passionate about the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in communication systems, and she continues to work on cutting-edge research in this domain.

Workshop / FDP/ Training Programme

1. FDP on “Cybersecurity through AI/ML”
2. ATAL FDP on “Next-Gen Computing: Advances in HPC and Quantum Technologies for Data-Driven Insights”
3. FDP on ““Recent Technological Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering”
4. FDP on “Prayog-Experiments On Click-Virtual Lab”
5. FDP on “Enhancing Teaching Skill for Outcome Based Education”
6. FDP on “Research,Funding & Patent Process in Engineering & technology “
7. “WhatsApp Outcome Based Education Faculty Development Program”
8. STTP on ““Recent Trends & Application of Solar Photovoltaic Energy System”.
9. NPTEL FDP on “Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning”
10. State level Workshop on “Recent Trends in Solar Thermal Systems & its Scope in India”
11. Workshop on “PYTHON”, IIT Bombay
12. AICTE/ISTE Sponsored STTP “Virtual Simulation Environment for Communication & Embedded System Design”.
13. ET702x : Designing Learner Centric MOOC, IIT Bombay
14. Creating open source cloud based Gnomio moodle for OBE
15. Workshop on “Outcome Based Education-Best Practices”
16. Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching- Learning Process,IIT BombayX, FDP201x
17. Foundation Program in ICT for Education, IIT BombayX, FDP101x
18. National level workshop on “Research Methodology”

Articles in Journals (National / International)

1. “Detection of Primary User Emulation Attack using the Share and Hunt optimisation Based Deep CNN Classifier”, International Journal Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), Inder-science Submission –Scopus.
2. “Review Paper on Spectrum Sensing Techniques”, AJANTA,UGC Approved Journal, (IF 5.5), Vol.VII, Issue – IV, October-December 2018
3. “Review Paper on Sketch Based Image Retrieval System”, IACEECE, Google Scholar, Proceeding 6 th October 2013 ISBN:978-93-82702-32-0
4. “Image Retrieval System Based on Sketch”, International Research Publication House, IJRET (IF 2.8), Vol. 10, No. 1 ISSN 0974 – 3154, Page- 518 – 522, 2017
5. “Sketch Based Image Retrieval System Using Integrated EHD & HOG”, IJMER (IF 2.735), Vol.3 Issue 3(8) ISSN: 2277 – 7881, Page No – 44 – 47, March 2014.
6. “Sketch Based Image Retrieval System”, IJARCET (IF 1), Vol. 3 Issue 9 ISSN: 2278 – 1323 Page 3016 – 3020, September 2014