Mr. Subhash B. Yadav

Head Of Department,
Civil Engineering,

New Institute Of Technology, Kolhapur.

M.E. (ENV.), BE (Civil)
Experience: 35 Years 
Specialisation: Environmental Engineering
Mobile No- 9960686868

About Mr. Subhash B. Yadav

Mr. Subhash B. Yadav is the Head of the Department of Civil Department at the New Institute of Technology, Kolhapur. With 35 years of experience in the field of education and technology, he has established himself as a knowledgeable and dedicated professional in the area of Civil Engineering

He holds an M.E. in Environmental Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. His academic background and technical expertise enable him to specialize in Environmental Engineering. These fields are integral to the development of modern Civil Engineering.

Workshop / FDP/ Training Programme

  1. FDP on Drone Survey.
  2. FDP on Softwares in Civil Engineering.
  3. FDP on Role of Admixtures in Concrete.
  4. FDP on Advanced Survey Instruments..
  5. FDP on Non-Destructive Testing
  6. Innovation Ambassador training(Foundation Level)
  7. FDP on Recent Advancements in Concrete Technology
  8. FDP on Recent Trends in Water Resources & Environmental Engineering.
  9. FDP on Research Methodology, Research Paper Writing & Patent Registration.
  10. FDP on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering.

Articles in Journals (National / International)

  1. Gavali, V. S., and J. K. Patil. “A study of RSS based vertical handover decision algorithms.” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) 4.2 (2015): 825-827.

Patents and Copyrights

  1. Brain Haemorrhage Detection Device based on Machine Learning.